The past few days have been busy ones. On Saturday, we were feeling very frustrated with our situation living at the shop. It’s not in the best of neighborhoods, the dogs were very difficult to deal with (especially having one with an eyeball sewn shut), and the kids had nowhere outside to play. I decided to text the current owner of the farm house to see if we could pull the camper out to the house.
I’d resisted asking if we could do this sooner because I didn’t want to be living at the house (even in the camper) until we at least had a closing date. I don’t know if I thought it would “jinx” things or if I just didn’t want to get too attached. Two things changed my outlook. One was how miserable we all were at the shop and the other is that I’m feeling really confident that the house will be ours soon.
On Saturday, we had to go figure out the power for the camper. It proved to be more than we were bargaining for (not really too surprising) and we spent most of the day driving around getting the parts we needed. After trips to both Lowes and Home Depot in town, we ended up having to trek to another town 30 miles or so away to get the rest of the parts we needed. Or so we thought….
We worked on getting this electric box for the camper added for the better part of the day. We had some scary moments and even our first injury. We STILL didn’t have everything we needed. Sigh… So, Sunday, we schlepped back to get yet another part and crossed our fingers that would get it done. Thankfully, it did. I was close to asking the guy in the electrical department of Home Depot over for dinner, I felt like we were getting to know him so well!

Sean’s first injury working on the house. I didn’t have any band aids, so we used kleenex and a scrap of ribbon we found. I’ve since bought a first aid kit!
On Monday, we were determined to move the camper to the house. We wanted a water source, so Sean decided to try to turn the water on. The original plan was that he would call me while turning it on so I could tell him if there was massive leaking and he could turn it off. I had the youngest in the bathroom upstairs and the eldest stationed in the kitchen downstairs so they could holler if they saw anything leaking. The plan was aborted without my knowledge and Sean turned on the water without calling and having me on the line. All of a sudden, I heard whoosing all through the house, I heard the water heater filling and pipes filling with water. I bravely peeked in the crawl space where the spider web of pipes to the kitchen are and saw what appeared to be the Grand Canyon in the crawl space! Water was leaking from EVERYwhere! Then, I heard the eldest hollering that there was water dripping from the ceiling! ACK! Thankfully, Sean strolled in at that moment, crawled under the house, and shut off the main in the house before we all floated away.
So, I guess long story short….we have some plumbing work to do. BUT, we moved the camper from town to the farm house and are at least closer in proximity to calling this place home!